Thursday, January 24, 2013

Hidden Gems of the App Store: Reader

Hidden Gems aims to bring you apps on the App Store that are often overlooked, but provide more than their money's worth when you dive into them. Some of you may have heard of it. Many of you have not. If you haven't, go look it up. Now. Seriously. You'll probably even forget to finish reading this article due to how many hours it'll take for you to get off of that site. You'll laugh a lot, you'll be surprised a lot, and you'll even gain a few brain cells in the process. Yeah, that's right, it's educational, folks.

Now what's better than a website that keeps you constantly coming back for more? Why, a website that keeps you constantly coming back for more.. that you can access from anywhere!
The Reader App allows users to read the latest articles on, as well as articles featured by the editors, videos, and even Photoplasty and Craptions! If you don’t know what Photoplasty or Craptions are, then you clearly didn’t take my advice and visit But for those of you who are either too busy, or, too lazy, Photoplasty is Cracked’s version of users submitting funny images that relate to a theme or topic, which then get published. Craptions are funny captions to regular images that provide a good laugh or two, or even change your perspective on the image as a whole.

As someone who’s on his phone a lot, I’d have to say that atleast 50% of my time on my phone has been spent on this app. It provides an endless supply of joy and delight to my otherwise boring life, and more often than not I have opted to read articles on Cracked than socialize with other people. Yes, it’s that good.
For a measly price of $0.00, you can go own the free version of the Cracked Reader, which features the latest articles. Or you can shell out a whopping $.99 to buy the full version, which has everything I listed and so much more. And by ‘or you can’ I really mean ‘And then you’re going to’


  1. This is such a great app put I'm still haven't downloaded it because I know if I do, I won't get anything done

    1. That's basically the story of my life. "Did you do your math homework?" "Nope... too busy reading Cracked."
